If you have no programming skills, you should probably not use this.
You can find documentation about blade here : https://laravel.com/docs/4.2/templates#other-blade-control-structures
Available variables in the page:
- $language (FR or EN)
- $booking
@foreach($booking->components as $comp)
<h1>Hotel : {{$comp->title}}</h1>
@foreach($comp->occupancies as $idx => $occ)
<h2>Room #{{$idx+1}} : {{$occ->title}}</h2>
<h3>Passengers : </h3>
@foreach($occ->occupanciespaxs as $paxIdx => $occpax)
<span>{{$occpax->title}} {{$occpax->firstname}} {{$occpax->lastname}}</span>
Booking structure(object)
- $booking->id // reslynx booking ID
- $booking->title // Booking name ex: Booking for Roofus summer family
- $booking->date // Format date (date time of the booking)
- $booking->service_fee_extra // NEW : service fee amount for this booking
- $booking->show_service_fee // NEW : do we show service fee for this booking
- $booking->names // return a list of object (all passengers associated to this booking)
- $booking->components // return a list of object (all products in the booking)
- $booking->payments // return a list of object (all payment/refund)
Component structure(object)
@foreach($booking->components as $comp)
- $comp->id // reslynx component ID
- $comp->title // product name (Circus hotel)
- $comp->grand_total // amount with taxes included
- $comp->checkin
- $comp->checkout
- $comp->sellcurrency // CAD
- $comp->nbpax // Number of passengers
- $comp->zone
- $comp->address
- $comp->code // YUL
- $comp->dep
- $comp->dest
- $comp->dep_jaw // FLT only
- $comp->dest_jaw // FLT only
- $comp->dep_date // FLT only
- $comp->arr_date // FLT only
- $comp->dep_date_jaw // FLT only
- $comp->arr_date_jaw // FLT only
- $comp->vol_result // complex json data
- $comp->imgUrl
- $comp->status // possible value :
- QT (quote)
- QX (quote price changed)
- RQ (booked on request)
- HK (booked confirmed)
- CX (cancelled)
- ER (unable to book)
- $comp->type // possible value :
- ADD (activity)
- HOT (hotel)
- CAR (car)
- FLT (flight)
- TOUR (tour)
- $comp->connector // ex hotelbeds
- $comp->con_book_number // confirmation number (locator of the flight). For webrates and addon connector, there can be multiple confirmations number separated by a ,
- $comp->occupancies // return a list of object
- $comp->cxxpolicies // return a list of object (cancel policies for hotel)
Occupancies structure(object) (1 occupancy = 1 room (or 1 addon)
@foreach($booking->components as $comp)
@foreach($comp->occupancies as $occ)
- $occ->title
- $occ->supplier_conf_number // confirmation number when the product was on request RQ -> HK
- $occ->occupancy // occupancy index start at 1
- $occ->cost // no taxe
- $occ->wholesale // no taxe
- $occ->othertotal // taxe amount on cost
- $occ->othertotalB2B // Taxe amout on wholesale
- $occ->nbpax
- $occ->occupanciespaxs // return a list of object
Occupanciespaxs structure(object)
@foreach($booking->components as $comp)
@foreach($comp->occupancies as $occ)
@foreach($occ->occupanciespaxs as $occpax)
- $occpax->cost // no taxe
- $occpax->wholesale // no taxe
- $occpax->othertotal // taxe amount on cost
- $occpax->othertotalB2B // Taxe amout on wholesale
- $occpax->age
- $occpax->minage
- $occpax->maxage
- $occpax->name_id // Associate to a name/passenger of the booking
- $occpax->name // return a object name/passenger
- $occpax->otherdetail // return a list of objects (taxes)
Name/Passenger structure(object)
@foreach($booking->names as $pax) // get all passengers of the booking
- $pax->firstname
- $pax->middlename
- $pax->lastname
- $pax->title
- $pax->type // ADT CHD INF
- $pax->dob
- $pax->email
- $pax->homephone
- $pax->cellphone
- $pax->adress
- $pax->city
- $pax->prov_state
- $pax->country
- $pax->zip
- $pax->adjustments // NEW passenger price adjustment
Payments structure(object)
@foreach($booking->payments as $payment) // get all passengers of the booking
- $payment->status // ex : PENDING , COMPLETED ...
- $payment->firstname
- $payment->lastname
- $payment->email
- $payment->phone
- $payment->payment_date
- $payment->amount
- $payment->type // charge , refund
- $payment->description
- $payment->adress
- $payment->city
- $payment->country
- $payment->zip
- $payment->state
- $payment->masked_cc_num
- $payment->cc_month
- $payment->cc_year
- $payment->cc_type
- $payment->authCode
Cxxpolicies structure(object)
@foreach($comp->cxxpolicies as $cxx)
- $occ->datefrom
- $occ->dateto
- $occ->amount
- $occ->norefund
$comp->vol_result json structure
array (
'sid' => 'dcfa9be704a0a32d9bf4d8d4b9a27b6115301283881225',
'header' =>
array (
'search_type' => 'FLT',
'today' => '20180627',
'site_num' => '58',
'always_show_detail' => 'YES',
'account' => 'VBG',
'agency' => NULL,
'CommStructure' =>
array (
'FLT' => 0,
'HOT' => 0,
'ADD' => 0,
'dest_dep_orig' => 'LAS',
'orig_dep' => 'YUL',
'dest_dep' => 'LAS',
'date_dep' => '20180716',
'dow_dep' => 'Monday',
'orig_ret' => 'LAS',
'dest_ret' => 'YUL',
'date_ret' => '20180723',
'dow_ret' => 'Monday',
'lang' => 'en_US',
'nb_pax' => 1,
'ages' =>
array (
'pax' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'age' => '35',
'title' => 'ADT',
'title_name' => 'Adult',
'type' => NULL,
'onrequest' => NULL,
'audience' =>
array (
'type' => 'B2C',
'with_avail' => 'Y',
'stars' => 1,
'halfstars' => 2,
'maxprice' => 99999,
'nb_days_prior_to_dep' => 19,
'pricing' => 'pax',
'pricing_wording' => 'per passenger',
'tax' => 'excl',
'tax_wording' => 'excluding taxes',
'pages_info' =>
array (
'status' => 'DONE',
'nb_products_page' => 9999,
'current_pages' => 1,
'bestprice_from' => 1,
'bestprice_to' => 9999,
'allow_previous' => 0,
'allow_next' => 0,
'dflt_pub_mkup' => '50',
'match_pub_min_profit' => NULL,
'optionnal_components' => NULL,
'ttl_nb_airfares_options' => 0,
'orig_dep_name' => 'Montreal',
'dest_dep_name' => 'Las Vegas',
'orig_ret_name' => 'Las Vegas',
'dest_ret_name' => 'Montreal',
'FNRequestId' => NULL,
'client_ref' => NULL,
'full_content' => 1,
'Epricer' => 0,
'LowScans' => NULL,
'host' => 'yourhost.otfsystems.com',
'server' => 'apollon',
'display_format' => NULL,
'Tier3' => NULL,
'service_class' => '',
'requested_airline' => '',
'FeesInSurcharges' => NULL,
'session_time' => 1530128401,
'search_time' => 1530128401,
'FromSearch' => 1,
'NoUSA' => 0,
'B2B_check_mode' => NULL,
'TBSchedulesAirlinesCount' => 0,
'hostname' => 'yourhost.dev.otfsystems.com',
'avail_time' => 1530128407,
'FNRequestId_details' => NULL,
'grand_total' => NULL,
'Cart' =>
array (
'CartID' => NULL,
'availID' => '37af6fff6eb61ece2524e5fa4be34a2615301284175355',
'airfare' =>
array (
'carrier' => 'DL',
'chosen_airfare_num' => 1,
'chosen_option_num' => 16,
'max_cc_pct' => 100,
'chosen_journey1_num' => 1,
'chosen_journey2_num' => 1,
'options' =>
array (
'option' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'type' => 'FLT',
'connector' => 'LiteR',
'conn_num' => '1',
'status' => 'DONE',
'supplier' => 'DL',
'fare_carrier' => 'DL',
'plating_carrier' => 'DL',
'bk_class' => 'H/H/V/V',
'fare_type' => 'PF',
'need_validate' => 1,
'origin' =>
array (
'engine' => 'sabre',
'carriers' => 'ANY',
'prices' =>
array (
'total' =>
array (
'cost' => 433.81000000000000227373675443232059478759765625,
'wholesale' => 433.81000000000000227373675443232059478759765625,
'retail' => 523.80999999999994543031789362430572509765625,
'othertotal' => 165.039999999999992041921359486877918243408203125,
'paxgroup' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'qty' => 1,
'fromage' => 12,
'toage' => 999,
'paxcode' => 'ADT',
'cost' => 433.81000000000000227373675443232059478759765625,
'wholesale' => 433.81000000000000227373675443232059478759765625,
'retail' => 523.80999999999994543031789362430572509765625,
'fare_type' => 'PF',
'othertotal' => '165.04',
'otherdetail' =>
array (
'tax' =>
array (
'total' => 165.039999999999992041921359486877918243408203125,
'details' =>
array (
'detail' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'code' => 'CA',
'amt' => '12.10',
1 =>
array (
'code' => 'SQ',
'amt' => '34.00',
2 =>
array (
'code' => 'RC',
'amt' => '0.52',
3 =>
array (
'code' => 'XG',
'amt' => '23.80',
4 =>
array (
'code' => 'XQ',
'amt' => '2.99',
5 =>
array (
'code' => 'US',
'amt' => '48.66',
6 =>
array (
'code' => 'YC',
'amt' => '7.51',
7 =>
array (
'code' => 'XY',
'amt' => '9.31',
8 =>
array (
'code' => 'XA',
'amt' => '5.27',
9 =>
array (
'code' => 'AY',
'amt' => '14.90',
10 =>
array (
'code' => 'XF',
'amt' => '5.98',
'pub' => 433.81000000000000227373675443232059478759765625,
'optiondate' => '20180627',
'currency' => 'CAD',
'gateway_country' => 'CA',
'dest_country' => 'US',
'History' =>
array (
'search' =>
array (
'paxgroup' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'qty' => 1,
'fromage' => 12,
'toage' => 999,
'paxcode' => 'ADT',
'cost' => '324.12',
'wholesale' => '324.12',
'retail' => '414.12',
'fare_type' => NULL,
'othertotal' => '159.55',
'pub' => 324.1200000000000045474735088646411895751953125,
'maxprice' => '99999.00',
'minprice' => '324.12',
'quoted_itin' => NULL,
'tkt_rules' => '',
'tkt_des' => NULL,
'tour_code' => NULL,
'GT' => '',
'FOP' => NULL,
'endo' => NULL,
'coupon' => '5',
'osi' => NULL,
'override_tkt_deadline' => NULL,
'DPA_restr_flts' => '',
'ApplyDPA' => 0,
'GridLine' => 'a:54:{s:8:"fares_id";s:3:"192";s:11:"contract_id";s:0:"";s:19:"applies_to_all_segs";s:0:"";s:4:"dest";s:2:"US";s:9:"fare_type";s:2:"PF";s:8:"bk_class";s:0:"";s:10:"fare_basis";s:0:"";s:10:"commission";s:0:"";s:12:"b2b_discount";s:0:"";s:9:"b2b_mk_up";s:0:"";s:10:"b2c_profit";s:2:"90";s:12:"account_code";s:0:"";s:8:"pax_code";s:3:"JCB";s:3:"pcc";s:0:"";s:25:"gateways_force_book_price";s:0:"";s:7:"cc_fees";s:1:"0";s:9:"tkt_rules";s:0:"";s:7:"routing";s:0:"";s:15:"routing_classes";N;s:15:"restricted_flts";s:0:"";s:7:"comment";N;s:7:"changes";N;s:3:"cxl";N;s:3:"DPA";s:0:"";s:14:"DPA_restr_flts";s:0:"";s:7:"tkt_des";N;s:9:"tour_code";N;s:15:"InstantDiscount";N;s:8:"DPA_mkup";s:0:"";s:2:"GT";s:0:"";s:3:"FOP";N;s:4:"endo";N;s:6:"coupon";s:1:"5";s:3:"osi";N;s:16:"override_carrier";N;s:10:"break_itin";i:0;s:12:"spec_gateway";s:0:"";s:21:"override_tkt_deadline";N;s:9:"connector";s:5:"LiteR";s:19:"mk_up_table_orig_cl";s:0:"";s:17:"mk_up_table_ident";s:12:"DB__96_192_ ";s:14:"ticketing_fees";s:0:"";s:3:"NAP";s:0:"";s:30:"retail_calculated_on_wholesale";s:0:"";s:17:"blackout_outbound";N;s:16:"blackout_inbound";N;s:11:"return_from";s:10:"0000-00-00";s:9:"return_to";s:10:"0000-00-00";s:7:"DB_from";s:2:"CA";s:7:"account";s:3:"VBG";s:13:"orig_bk_class";s:0:"";s:16:"force_book_price";s:0:"";s:9:"with_land";i:0;s:16:"commission_combo";s:0:"";}',
'MkUpIdentifier' => 'DB__96_192_ ',
'ticketing_fees' => '',
'min_for_NAP' => NULL,
'DPA_mkup_cost' => '',
'price_display' =>
array (
'room_or_pax' => 'pax',
'item' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'fare' => '414.12',
'tax' => '159.55',
'price' => '414.12',
'label' => 'Passenger 1',
'even_split' =>
array (
'cost' => 324.1200000000000045474735088646411895751953125,
'fare' => 324.1200000000000045474735088646411895751953125,
'tax' => 159.55000000000001136868377216160297393798828125,
'price' => 483.67000000000001591615728102624416351318359375,
'price_cost' => 483.67000000000001591615728102624416351318359375,
'itin' =>
array (
'journeys' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'checkout' => '20180716',
'dep_date' => '20180716',
'orig' => 'YUL',
'segments' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'key' => 1,
'booking_class' => 'H',
'service_class' => 'Y',
'fare_basis' =>
array (
'ADT' => 'HA7UA0MQ/LN7P',
'connector' => 'LiteR',
'plating_carrier' => 'DL',
'cnx_time' => 78,
1 =>
array (
'key' => 2,
'booking_class' => 'H',
'service_class' => 'Y',
'fare_basis' =>
array (
'ADT' => 'HA7UA0MQ/LN7P',
'connector' => 'LiteR',
'plating_carrier' => 'DL',
'cnx_time' => 0,
'dest' => 'LAS',
'checkin' => '20180716',
'bookcode' =>
array (
'ttl_amt' =>
array (
'ADT' => '598.85',
'pcc' => '',
'SellCity' => 'YYZ',
'TktCity' => 'YYZ',
'fare_type' => 'PF',
'roe' => 1.288388917597500071821059464127756655216217041015625,
0 =>
array (
'fare_basis' =>
array (
'ADT' => 'HA7UA0MQ/LN7P',
'pax_code' =>
array (
'ADT' => 'JCB',
'segment' => 'SEGYULMSP20180716DL5308',
1 =>
array (
'fare_basis' =>
array (
'ADT' => 'HA7UA0MQ/LN7P',
'pax_code' =>
array (
'ADT' => 'JCB',
'segment' => 'SEGMSPLAS20180716DL234',
'MarriageGrp' => 'true',
'connector' => 'LiteR',
'source' => '6',
'ttl_duration' => 450,
1 =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'checkout' => '20180723',
'dep_date' => '20180723',
'orig' => 'LAS',
'segments' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'key' => 3,
'booking_class' => 'V',
'service_class' => 'Y',
'fare_basis' =>
array (
'connector' => 'LiteR',
'plating_carrier' => 'DL',
'cnx_time' => 196,
1 =>
array (
'key' => 4,
'booking_class' => 'V',
'service_class' => 'Y',
'fare_basis' =>
array (
'connector' => 'LiteR',
'plating_carrier' => 'DL',
'cnx_time' => 0,
'dest' => NULL,
'checkin' => '',
'bookcode' =>
array (
'ttl_amt' =>
array (
'ADT' => '598.85',
'pcc' => '',
'SellCity' => 'YYZ',
'TktCity' => 'YYZ',
'fare_type' => 'PF',
'roe' => 1.288388917597500071821059464127756655216217041015625,
0 =>
array (
'fare_basis' =>
array (
'pax_code' =>
array (
'ADT' => 'JCB',
'segment' => 'SEGLASYYZ20180723DL7163',
1 =>
array (
'fare_basis' =>
array (
'pax_code' =>
array (
'ADT' => 'JCB',
'segment' => 'SEGYYZYUL20180723DL7194',
'MarriageGrp' => 'true',
'connector' => 'LiteR',
'source' => '6',
'ttl_duration' => 539,
'segments' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'carrier' => 'DL',
'fltnum' => '5308',
'gateway' => 'YUL',
'dest' => 'MSP',
'depdate' => '20180716',
'deptime' => '0600',
'arrdate' => '20180716',
'arrtime' => '0752',
'stops' => '0',
'stopsairports' => '',
'equip' => 'CR9',
'operating_air' => 'DL',
'duration' => '172',
'operating_air_name' => '',
'human_readable' =>
array (
'carrier' => 'Delta Air Lines',
'fltnum' => '5308',
'gateway' => 'Montreal Trudeau (dorval)',
'gateway_city' => 'Montreal',
'dest' => 'Minneapolis St Paul International',
'dest_city' => 'Minneapolis',
'depdate' =>
array (
'long' => '2018/07/16',
'short' => '16 JUL',
'dow' => 'Monday',
'desc' => '',
'deptime' => '06:00',
'arrdate' =>
array (
'long' => '2018/07/16',
'short' => '16 JUL',
'dow' => 'Monday',
'desc' => '',
'arrtime' => '07:52',
'stops' => '0',
'equip' => 'CR9',
'operating_air' => 'Delta Air Lines',
1 =>
array (
'carrier' => 'DL',
'fltnum' => '234',
'gateway' => 'MSP',
'dest' => 'LAS',
'depdate' => '20180716',
'deptime' => '0910',
'arrdate' => '20180716',
'arrtime' => '1030',
'stops' => '0',
'stopsairports' => '',
'equip' => '739',
'operating_air' => 'DL',
'duration' => '200',
'operating_air_name' => '',
'human_readable' =>
array (
'carrier' => 'Delta Air Lines',
'fltnum' => '234',
'gateway' => 'Minneapolis St Paul International',
'gateway_city' => 'Minneapolis',
'dest' => 'Mc Carran International',
'dest_city' => 'Las Vegas',
'depdate' =>
array (
'long' => '2018/07/16',
'short' => '16 JUL',
'dow' => 'Monday',
'desc' => '',
'deptime' => '09:10',
'arrdate' =>
array (
'long' => '2018/07/16',
'short' => '16 JUL',
'dow' => 'Monday',
'desc' => '',
'arrtime' => '10:30',
'stops' => '0',
'equip' => '739',
'operating_air' => 'Delta Air Lines',
2 =>
array (
'carrier' => 'DL',
'fltnum' => '7163',
'gateway' => 'LAS',
'dest' => 'YYZ',
'depdate' => '20180723',
'deptime' => '1243',
'arrdate' => '20180723',
'arrtime' => '1959',
'stops' => '0',
'stopsairports' => '',
'equip' => '73H',
'operating_air' => 'WS',
'duration' => '256',
'operating_air_name' => '',
'human_readable' =>
array (
'carrier' => 'Delta Air Lines',
'fltnum' => '7163',
'gateway' => 'Mc Carran International',
'gateway_city' => 'Las Vegas',
'dest' => 'Lester B Pearson International',
'dest_city' => 'Toronto',
'depdate' =>
array (
'long' => '2018/07/23',
'short' => '23 JUL',
'dow' => 'Monday',
'desc' => '',
'deptime' => '12:43',
'arrdate' =>
array (
'long' => '2018/07/23',
'short' => '23 JUL',
'dow' => 'Monday',
'desc' => '',
'arrtime' => '19:59',
'stops' => '0',
'equip' => '73H',
'operating_air' => 'WestJet',
3 =>
array (
'carrier' => 'DL',
'fltnum' => '7194',
'gateway' => 'YYZ',
'dest' => 'YUL',
'depdate' => '20180723',
'deptime' => '2315',
'arrdate' => '20180724',
'arrtime' => '0042',
'stops' => '0',
'stopsairports' => '',
'equip' => 'DH4',
'operating_air' => 'WS',
'duration' => '87',
'operating_air_name' => '',
'human_readable' =>
array (
'carrier' => 'Delta Air Lines',
'fltnum' => '7194',
'gateway' => 'Lester B Pearson International',
'gateway_city' => 'Toronto',
'dest' => 'Montreal Trudeau (dorval)',
'dest_city' => 'Montreal',
'depdate' =>
array (
'long' => '2018/07/23',
'short' => '23 JUL',
'dow' => 'Monday',
'desc' => '',
'deptime' => '23:15',
'arrdate' =>
array (
'long' => '2018/07/24',
'short' => '24 JUL',
'dow' => 'Tuesday',
'desc' => '',
'arrtime' => '00:42',
'stops' => '0',
'equip' => 'DH4',
'operating_air' => 'WestJet',